We typically see my in-laws three or four times a year. Every time we are with them , they discipline our children in front of us. It really bothers me, and my children are now at the age where it upsets them . I am afraid that eventually I am going to lose my cool […]
Archive | Little Ones Magazine
How do I promote the relationship?
How do I promote the relationship between my “typical” child and my child with special needs and try to avoid ill will between them?
My 6-year-old daughter has just started wetting her bed again
My 6-year-old daughter has just started wetting her bed again and having some accidents throughout the day. I am frustrated and don’t know what to do … help!
How Can I Help Protect My Child(ren)
As a single parent, how can I help protect my child(ren) from feeling as though they are in the middle of my ex-husband and myself?